Award winning entrepreneur smashing all records | Jacine Greenwood | Roccoco Botanicals

For Jacine Greenwood, CEO of Roccoco Botanicals 2024 is all about sustainability and expansion. The brand have already started the change with a rebrand with sustainable and refillable packaging which is expected to launch approximately early May. 12 months of research to find the right supplier to partner with so they could embrace their sustainability goals. Roccoco is beginning the process of carbon auditing to have a baseline for their company this year. Jacine Greenwood said “Without these measurements how do we know how well we are doing”.

Roccoco started its first refillable option with its award winning Ruby Crystal Cleanser in 2023. The product is anhydrous, so the risk of contamination from refilling was negligible. Embracing sustainability for the rest of the range wasn’t as an easy a task.

Australia’s most innovative brand is set for expansion into another 2 countries this year with Canada and India set on its horizons. The brand is anticipated to launch into Canada in July, with many consumers and professional estheticians patiently waiting for the brand to come. “We have been getting begged for years to come to Canada”, Jacine said. Roccoco will then be in 5 countries, something as a founder I never imagined possible when I started.

More award win announcements coming soon ! Keep an eye on this trail blazer !

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John Martin

his exceptional journalistic acumen and passion for storytelling. With over 15 years in journalism, John has transformed the magazine into a beacon of insightful reporting and compelling narratives, focusing on the heart of New York City's vibrant culture, politics, and community events.