University campuses across US protest Starbucks contracts

Student organizers, faculty, and workers oppose the coffee company's answer to union organizing actions.
Student organizers, faculty, and workers oppose the coffee company's answer to union organizing actions.

Student organizers, faculty, and workers oppose the coffee company’s answer to union organizing actions.

Activism Against Starbucks

Student organizers, faculty, and workers at 25 university campuses across the United States are spearheading a campaign calling for the cancellation of their institutions’ contracts with Starbucks. 

This protest, dubbed “Starbucks gets an F,” aims to denounce the company’s response to union organizing efforts.

Nationwide Actions

Scheduled for Thursday, the protests will occur at prominent campuses such as the University of Chicago, the University of South Florida, UW-Madison, New York University, Georgetown, and Rutgers. 

Starbucks outlets are prevalent on hundreds of college campuses, either through licensing agreements or contracts with third-party vendors.

Petition Circulation

Student organizers are actively circulating petitions urging their universities to sever ties with Starbucks and amplify public awareness about the company’s actions. Their goal is to hold Starbucks accountable for its treatment of workers and support ongoing unionizing efforts within the company.

Tuition Dollars and Corporate Responsibility

David Ramirez, a student organizer at UCLA, emphasizes the importance of ensuring that tuition dollars do not support companies that engage in injustices. 

He highlights the need for universities to take a stand against corporations like Starbucks and emphasizes the responsibility students have in advocating for fair treatment of workers.

Growing Unionization Efforts

Since December 2021, nearly 400 Starbucks stores across the US have successfully won union elections to join Starbucks Workers United. Despite this, a first union contract has yet to be reached for any store. 

The surge in unionization efforts has prompted students at Cornell University to successfully lobby for the non-renewal of their institution’s contract with Starbucks.

Expanding Campaigns

Following Cornell’s success, similar campaigns have emerged at various college campuses nationwide. 

These initiatives aim to support local union campaigns and address challenges faced by Starbucks workers, including significant pushback and store closures.

As the movement gains momentum, student activists are hopeful that their efforts will compel universities to prioritize workers’ rights and corporate accountability in their contracting decisions.

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Jacob Brown

Jacob Brown, the Chief Editor at NY Guardian Magazine, brings over a decade of media experience to his role. Renowned for his editorial integrity and commitment to excellence, Jacob has elevated the magazine with insightful analysis and comprehensive news coverage. His passion for investigative journalism and storytelling shapes the magazine's mission to inform and inspire its global readership.

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